Get to know Basin

Our 13,600 square foot facility will bring 10,000 square feet of climbing surface to the Greater Waco Area for bouldering and roped climbing. Additional features of our facility include traditional and climbing specific training areas, a fitness floor, a yoga/fitness studio, a kids-only climbing zone, and more.

Roped Climbing

Top-rope climbing is a form of rock climbing where the climber is securely attached to a rope that runs through a fixed anchor at the top of the climbing route, and back down to the belayer (or "second") at the base of the climbing wall. Auto-belay devices and lead climbing will also be available in the roped climbing area of the gym.


Bouldering is a form of free climbing that is done without the use of ropes or harnesses on low-level walls over protective padding. You will find ample bouldering on our mezzanine level as well as a climbing-specific training area and seating for a great view of the Top-rope area.


Children are natural-born climbers. We are excited to have an area dedicated to their enjoyment of climbing as a sport that includes roped climbing as well as bouldering. The kids-zone will be on the main level across from our welcome desk. A viewing window spans the space for parents to watch from the adjacent room.

We believe in wellness.

The benefits of rock climbing run deep. Climbing not only provides a mental and physical training ground but is truly relational at heart. The Basin team members speak from experience when they say its the climbing community that makes the sport something special. Basin Climbing and Fitness will be a hub for individuals, friends, and families to explore the sport of climbing while connecting with others.

Helping Your Child Enjoy Climbing 

The Basin team has put together a guide to answer your questions about climbing and share the best local climbing spots in the Waco, Texas area for your kids to start exploring climbing.

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